Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fall has arrived…

Fall really has arrived here at the Babbage patch.  The apples are falling off the trees and the blue jays are knocking down the rest.  We had a beautiful red-headed woodpecker out there this morning.  Even the puppies enjoy the apples.  I feel guilty that the trees haven’t been pruned for several years.  We would probably have better fruit if the trees were better cared for.

Knitting has been progressing well.  I have finished a couple pairs of socks and have another pair on the needles.

This pair is for me.  The yarn is from KSD, and is a merino/bamboo/nylon sock blend.  It is very soft with a soft bloom.  I’m curious to see what it will do when washed.

I completed the sock monkey suit for Tesla.

Her parents have promised lots of photos.

I finally found the other hank of yarn to finish Flint. I had been test knitting this wonderful sweater and misplaced the yarn in the midst of reorganizing.  It is so purple that it really is hard to lose, but lose it I did!

The pups have been keeping me busy. Ike decided to see what made ‘his’ pillow fluffy.

He then took a nap because exploration into textiles is hard work.  But the fact that it is flat does not take away its cuddle properties.

In other news Tina will be starting school next month.  She will then come home and teach Ike her new tricks.

and in case you missed it here is there newest video


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Smarter than you think

Puppies can show some amazing signs of intelligence! Ike and Tina are putting to use a lot of the toys that Jethro only used for a short period of time.  There’s the nylon teething ring that Jethro only looked at.  These youngsters use it for tug-of-war!  Kongs stuffed with treats keep them busy for 1/2 an hour.

But the puzzle cube!!!!!

The first time they made a treat fall out…oh my, weren’t they clever!  They had the world by the tail!  Of course if one notices something, the other has to have a nose in.  

They have also figured out the dog door works both ways!  It is a little harder to go out than to come in, but they’ve got it down.  When they get too rowdy I can say ‘take it outside’ and they head out the dog door!  Of course they only make one lap running around the yard before they come back in, but they know what I expect them to do!

They are exhausting, but they are so loving and so much fun!!!


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On attitude

Tesla has attitude.  Here she gives her father what he calls “the stink eye”

I have yet to get a pic that shows both Tesla and her father.  I will work on that.

I find I have ‘attitude’ about certain things.  For one, I hate being told what to do.  Many people dislike this, but I find myself not doing some things merely because someone told me to do it.  I know I miss out on some truly enjoyable experiences, but I don’t seem to be able to control myself.

I also have ‘attitude’ about MS.  I have been doing fairly well lately, but I hate doing my injections.  I know the medication is supposed to slow the progression of the disease, but that doesn’t mean the injections are easier to remember.  I’m working on new ways to remind myself without making myself resentful.

I hate when I can’t do things.  I was supposed to go to a family funeral last Thursday.  Before I left I had a fall.  There were no major injuries, but I hurt all over and didn’t  feel up to the drive.  I regret not being able to show my respect for my aunt, and support my cousins.  I know they would all be supporting, but that does not make it feel any better.  I am working on being more accepting of my limitations.

I really try to maintain a positive ‘attitude’ about life and all its pitfalls but sometimes it is really hard.

(I have been knitting, but right now it is all secret!)


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Tesla Babbage is in the house!!

She has finally arrived.  She is beautiful. She is healthy.  She is my first granddaughter.Her parents have not had much sleep since before she arrived.  The labor was much longer than anticipated.  So they are tired,  but the both just beam when they look at her.Her grandfather is pleased as punch.  He handles her like a pro.  (He always was good with babies)  He will spoil her rotten.Somehow we got home without a picture of her with her daddy.  Of course the very first picture taken of her is in his arms.  I am sure there will be many more opportunities to catch him with her.  I didn’t even scream when they caught me in the frame.I just can’t get enough of her face.

In other news, (yes there is other news)  my sewing room is almost empty. and the carpet comes out next.  We have the vinyl ready to go in and different furniture that should make the room easier to use.

I have many projects in mind, so it will be nice to be able to get to the materials.  All in all there is still much work to do.


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Making progress

I have been making progress on several fronts.  First up is the sock monkey suit for my grandbaby. I need to finish the hood, add zipper and tail and seam legs and arms.  It has been a fun knit and a special request from the baby’s mama.

Next up, I have been slowly working on my sewing room.  We have decided to pull the carpet since we can’t guarantee the room won’ flood again.  That gives me the opportunity to improve the storage and work areas as we go along.  No photos of that area until I’m done!!!

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I can’t believe I have slept away the last 2 days.  I had planned to do things.  I had knitting to work on .  My house is a mess (please don’t tell anyone)  and the cupboards are bare.

The reasons for a lengthy sleep are pretty boring.  My allergies were acting up, the MS was acting up, my hub was acting up.  Pick one, pick them all.   It doesn’t really matter.   The result is 2 more days of my life are GONE.

Life has gone on without me.  Now I have to catch up.  I have email to sort.  I have snail mail to sort, dishes to wash, laundry waiting and food to tend to.  The floors have collected another dog’s worth of hair.

But not all is drudgery.  I have blogs to read!  Other peoples lives and ideas to catch up on.  I can’t wait….see you later!


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My featherweight

I started my featherweight with the best of intentions.  It was going to be very simple and basic.  Something that I could wear anytime and anywhere.

But I couldn’t do it.  It had to have lace.  So about half way down the body I switched to an easy lace pattern.  I think I like it.  I think I’ll keep it!


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You want to do WHAT!!??!

I have way too many interests.  Besides all the fiber/textile things I do I want to learn more about computer programing, furniture making and woodworking, welding and metal art, and cooking.  I want to have a garden.  I want to raise dogs and alpacas.

The problem is the scope of the projects I want to tackle.  I want to design and build a wall unit for my living room that will house my yarn and knitting books.  I want to build a sewing station for my dedicated sewing room.  I have knitting and crochet ideas I want to write patterns for.  I want some welded sculptures for arbors and garden art. I want to write the Great American Novel.  I want…..

Where to start!  I get tired just thinking about it.

The first thing I think, must be cleaning out my sewing room.  I have fabric from the 1970’s in there.  Can anyone say polyester leisure suit?  I’m sure I will never use some of this and maybe someone else can.  I have craft magazines from the same era and after going through some of them I know there are only a few patterns or ideas I want to keep.

Once the purging is done I can organize some “kits” for baby clothes and things I had planned for my own wardrobe.

I have all but eliminated daytime TV from my life, but I must start doing things other than knitting during the daylight hours.  I often think of things in the evening or at night, but don’t start them then because they might keep the hub awake. (Or worse wake him from a sound sleep.)

One of the effects of mentioning these things here is much like a dieter making a weight goal public–people will be watching.  And hopefully commenting.  The community out there is powerful, with good ideas and encouragement.  I think I am ready to  start!!!

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C and H are expecting their little girl the end of June.  They have been house hunting and preparing to move.

I have been knitting, sewing and knitting.  H has requested ‘no pink’ which is fine.  There is no solid pink yarn around here.

This little jacket and hat are among the finished items.  The photo doesn’t do the colors justice.  I decided to add a little dress to the set.

There has been a request for a sock monkey hoodie. I’ve tried to find a pattern, but I guess I will have to design my own.  I thought I had some yarn that was right, but after knitting a swatch, I decided it was too scratchy for a baby.

I made this cardi before we knew what the gender was.  I then added flower buttons.  I love the colors in this yarn, and I’m very pleased with how it came out.  It is a larger size so she will have something for later.  There are even pockets for her treasures.

Then there is my very first entrelac project.  A small blanket that was so much fun to make.

The baby shower is today and I can’t decide which to take.  I guess I’ll take them all.


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I twiddle threads.  I have been known to macrame, crochet doilies,  do needlepoint and x-stitch, and crewel work.  I sew and do machine embroidery.  I have not tried spinning or weaving.  While I am intrigued by spinning, my yarn stash is already quite large.  The equipment required for weaving would take up more space than I have available.

Weaving would use a lot of the various threads and yarns I already have on hand.  I have seen some beautiful woven pieces. I would love to have the skills to create similar things.

But, as with so many things, it boils down to money.  Money invested in sewing machines (yes I have more than 1).  Money invested in books, patterns, yarns, threads and fabric.  Money invested in knitting needles. crochet hooks, and various sewing tools.

I have the added problem that I have not been able to work for a couple of years.  When I got my nursing degree in 1992 we thought I would have 20-25 years of financial productivity.  That obviously is not going as planned.

There should be a way to use all my twiddling experience and skills to generate an income.  I don’t know what that is today, maybe I will know tomorrow.  Or the tomorrow after that.


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